Prosenc, Nataša
No. 291
"Video Installations (1994-2005)"
Artist: Prosenc, Nataša
Title: Video Installations (1994-2005)
Subtitle: Swimming the Dark, Crossing, Sphere, Well, Vortex, Shadows, Corner, Tomb, Pillar, More, Reason, Vertical Horizon, Journey into the Void, Place of the Game
Duration: 00:13:58
Year: 2005
Genre: Installation Art / Experimental video / Art video / Fiction

1. Swimming the Dark: podvodni eksperimentalni posnetki plavalke ob spremljavi šuma vodnih tokov in strojev. (2005)
2. Crossing: večkanalna instalacija, ki prikazuje razkrajanje podob z ognjem in vodo. Prvi del sestavljajo podobe visečega človeškega telesa, ki se staplja s plameni. Oblike in barve ognja ter kože se zlijejo druga v drugo in kmalu ne zaznamo več nobene razlike med njimi. Drugi del prikazuje povečane obraze s sledmi ognja in vode, ki se prelivajo po njihovi površini ter izseke instalacije v prostoru. (2004/5)
3. Sphere: podvodna podoba plavalke, ki je rahlo popačena in projicirana na izboženo površino, spominja na podobo iz akvarija. Žensko telo se giblje in skuša ubežati krožnim omejitvam. Krogla je narejena iz pleksi stekla, na njej pa so projicirane podobe. Na koncu izsek z razstave. (2001)
4. Well: video projekcija pulziranja srčne mišice, ki se zrcali v vodnjaku. Podobe notranjega organa so popačene, saj so povečane in postavljene v vodnjak. (2001)
5. Vortex: detajl s štirikanalne video instalacije Gladiatorji. Nizanje podob ognja, zemlje, peska, snega, ki se vrtijo in izgubljajo v krožnem gibanju.(1999)
6. Shadows: enokanalni video človeških senc na puščavskih tleh, vključen v več instalacij. (1999)
7. Corner: dvokanalna projekcija na pravokotno postavljene zaslone prikazuje sence teles, ki prehajajo v urbanem okolju, se zrcalijo na puščavskih tleh pod njimi. Vendar se nekako ne ujemajo. Osvobojene sence iz narave sledijo svoji poti. (1998)
8. Tomb: video projekcija skozi vejevje na razpokano marmorno površino. (2002)
9. Pillar: preplet podob senc golih teles v obliki stebra. (1997)
10. More: devetkanalna modra talna instalacija podob telesnih delov v različnih postavitvah. (1997)
11. Reason: dvokanalna video instalacija, ki prikazuje zgodbo o Sizifu. (1996)
12. Vertical Horizon: štirikanalna video instalacija s podobami iskalcev izhoda iz labirinta iz betonskih opek. (1994)
13. Journey into the Void: petkanalna instalacija obnove srednjeveškega gradu v Sloveniji. (1994)
14. Place of the Game: video projekcija, ki prikazuje hrbet plesalca butoh. Opazujemo gibanje človeškega telesa, ki se prelevi v gibljivo mišično gmoto in nakazuje okostje in tkivo; poigravanje s kiparskim modelom, z organsko in celostno kvaliteto človeškega telesa. Pomikanje v samo strukturo kože in prikaz samega ustroja telesa kot nekakšnega valovanja. (1994)

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Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Untitled, 27 March 2020 (04:20)
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2020
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Code L - Fragments is a video installation created by two synchronized projections onto transparent screens. They integrate shadows and silhouettes of visitors and reflections of the architectural elements into the body of the installation. What emer...
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Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2019
Dreamscape #1 – Lovers is a moving collage, which integrates human body with the organic world. The process of layering connects visual elements and leads to fragments of narration. Inspired by Fragments of Lover's Discourse by Roland Barthes,...
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Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Hotel Diary (film trailer) (00:05:59 (00:00:25))
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2018
A long forgotten encounter comes to life through fragments of real and imagined recollections. A chronicle of an affair, set in a deserted interiors of Los Angeles hotel (Nataša Prosenc Stearns).
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Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Parallax (excerpts) (00:02:06)
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2017
Trees of Savannah, water, stream, wind. Series of five video objects entitled Parallax: Sky is Earth, Phantom Drift, Streaming Shields, Black Palms.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Nightmares of the New WorldNataša Prosenc Stearns - Nightmares of the New WorldNataša Prosenc Stearns - Nightmares of the New World
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Nightmares of the New World (00:07:31)
Production: 2017
Series of three single-channel videos - Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts, Nucleus Brass. The work of the video artist and filmmaker Nataša Prosenc Stearns is never directly illustrative, but her new series Nightmares of the New Wo...
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Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Caryatids (documentation) (00:01:23)
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2017
Documentation of the installation Caryatids from the exhibition by Nataša Prosenc Stearns with the title Caryatids and Medusas at the UGM Studio Gallery in Maribor in 2017. The exhibition layout was a combination of video projections, prints and videos o...
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Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Medusas (documentation) (00:01:40)
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2017
Documentation of the installation Medusas from the exhibition by Nataša Prosenc Stearns with the title Caryatids and Medusas at the UGM Studio Gallery in Maribor in 2017. The exhibition layout was a combination of video projections, prints and vide...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Run CityNataša Prosenc Stearns - Run CityNataša Prosenc Stearns - Run City
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Run City (00:03:11)
Production: 2017
The silhouette of the male figure in the rhythm of a steady stream is mapped to the changing snapshots of the city. Fragments of an urban landscape with buildings, traffic and streets without people run in a quick rhythm of montage, and over them, a layer...
YEARS 3 decades present
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Lenardič, Zmago - Big Blue Subway (00:12:42)
VPK & White Balance, 2000
Kugler, Ema - Homo Erectus
Kugler, Ema - Homo Erectus (00:43:28)
ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
Gumilar, Marjan - Pogled
Gumilar, Marjan - Pogled (00:06:38)
Marjan Gumilar, 2002
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli svet... (00:09:38)
TV Slovenija, filmski lab..., 1990-2000
Zmago Lenardič - Network
Zmago Lenardič - Network (00:12:47)
Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Katja Šoltes, Emir Jelkić - How Do You Say Ćesma? / Kako se kaže fountain?
Katja Šoltes, Emir Jelkić - How Do You... (00:07:30)
Ljudmila, Ljubljana in SCCA/p..., 2000
Lenardič, Zmago - Fireworks
Lenardič, Zmago - Fireworks (00:10:10)
Zmago Lenardič, 2006
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