Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK)
No. 31
"Podoba 5: Marko Kovačič"
Artist: Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK)
Title: Podoba 5: Marko Kovačič
Duration: 00:39:45
Year: 1993
Genre: Television Art / Documentary video
Production: Kanal A


An introduction of the artist Marko Kovačič: sculptures, involvement in the Ana Monro Theatre, videos. The interview was conducted by Zemira Alajbegović. The video features edited material taken from the artist's personal archives, the Ana Monro Theatre, VS Škuc-Forum, and Brut Film.

The video is a part of the TV series Podoba by Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda (“The Image of Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda”), which was the most important contribution to original video production in the 1980s on television (1992-1993, 5 episodes). The five episodes were focusing on: [1] ŠKUC-Forum [2] Marijan Osole - Max [3] Peter Vezjak [4] Hard-Core [5] Marko Kovačič.

Neven Korda - Gusl (Kvinton)Neven Korda - Gusl (Kvinton)Neven Korda - Gusl (Kvinton)
Neven Korda - Gusl (Kvinton) (00:05:02)
Production: 2002
Video spot skupine Kvinton. zamisel, kamera, animacija risb in režija: Neven Korda risbe: Romeo Štrakl montaža: Mirko Simič Pesem pripoveduje zgodbo iz naših krajev, o junaku naših prelepih goric. To je zgodba o uspehu junaka, ki z...
Neven Korda - The Futurists (CD-ROM)Neven Korda - The Futurists (CD-ROM)Neven Korda - The Futurists (CD-ROM)
Neven Korda - The Futurists (CD-ROM) ()
Production: ZANK, 2001
Video collage recycles video memories from the 1980' as captured by the eye of FV Video camera and fragments of recordings of performances and projects by the group Borghesia and HC Collective from Ljubljana. The content of the CD-ROM doesn't contain any...
Neven Korda - 1 Sec of My Life (English version)Neven Korda - 1 Sec of My Life (English version)Neven Korda - 1 Sec of My Life (English version)
Neven Korda - 1 Sec of My Life (English version) (00:01:31)
Production: 2001
Report from real every day. Inspiration and a tribute to the film Blue by Derek Jarman. (Neven Korda) NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda from his renewed reading of...
Neven Korda - ReinkarnacijaNeven Korda - ReinkarnacijaNeven Korda - Reinkarnacija
Neven Korda - Reinkarnacija (00:01:14)
Production: 2001
Rise up and leave this mass of meat behind. The world is obliged to make your existence possible. God is big, a tree is even bigger. (Neven Korda) NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between report...
Neven Korda - NomadNeven Korda - NomadNeven Korda - Nomad
Neven Korda - Nomad (00:01:05)
Production: 2001
Conception, image and sound: Neven Korda NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda from his renewed reading of the 1960s. At the beginning, they did not like the image of r...
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Neven Korda - Verujem. Progresivna mantra. / I believe. Progressive Mantra. (00:00:20)
Production: 2001
Conception, image and sound: Neven Korda Music: Burn out, BAST. Preseverance on the origins (of artificial worlds). (Neven Korda) NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda...
Neven Korda - 1 Sekunda mojega življenjaNeven Korda - 1 Sekunda mojega življenjaNeven Korda - 1 Sekunda mojega življenja
Neven Korda - 1 Sekunda mojega življenja (00:01:52)
Production: 2001
Report from real every day. Inspiration and a tribute to the film Blue by Derek Jarman. (Neven Korda) NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda from his renewed reading of...
Neven Korda - Poletje 1, 2 / Summer 1, 2Neven Korda - Poletje 1, 2 / Summer 1, 2Neven Korda - Poletje 1, 2 / Summer 1, 2
Neven Korda - Poletje 1, 2 / Summer 1, 2 (00:26:00)
Production: 2001
The Story of a cardboard box. Text, conception, sound, editing and directed by: Neven Korda Narrator: Srečko Meh Recordings of events between 17 and 23 July 1988 in the execution of FV video and Brut film. Digitized and edited in the Kapelica Gallery, Za...
Neven Korda - 400Neven Korda - 400Neven Korda - 400
Neven Korda - 400 (0:03:55)
Production: TV Slovenija & PIAS, 1991
Music video by Neven Korda for the song 400 by Borghesia (PIAS 1991) is a collage of different found footage, remakes of a performance by Marko Kovačič and Sebastjan Starič from 1991 and edited recordings of scenes performed by a theater group Gledali&...
Neven Korda - Young PrisonersNeven Korda - Young PrisonersNeven Korda - Young Prisoners
Neven Korda - Young Prisoners (00:04:18)
Production: M.A.X., 1990
Music video on the song of Borghesia group. 
Neven Korda - The Triumpf of Desire (compilation)Neven Korda - The Triumpf of Desire (compilation)Neven Korda - The Triumpf of Desire (compilation)
Neven Korda - The Triumpf of Desire (compilation) (01:03:20)
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
This compilation of Borghesia video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mud, She, Venceremos) continues with the iconography introduced in the So Young video, but this time it is formally and technically much...
YEARS 2 decades present
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SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kr..., 2020
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SCCA-Ljubljana, 2021
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SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kr..., 2021/2022
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SCCA-Ljubljana, Slovenska..., 2023
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SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kr..., 2021/2022
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SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerij..., 2021
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SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerij..., 2020
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Ela Hartman, Jakob Žorž, Kaja Horvat -... (03:34)
SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kr..., 2020
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