Marko A. Kovačič; VIS Zlati Kastrioti
No. 324
"Golden Section/Indeed"
Artist: Marko A. Kovačič; VIS Zlati Kastrioti
Title: Golden Section/Indeed
Duration: 00:29:08
Year: 2004
Genre: Art Film
Production: KUD France Prešeren / Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana


A film in the genre “the silent musical” was originally screened with live music (VIS Zlati Kastrioti). It creates a Kastrioti story about a mother who leaves her children to their fathers due to a stormy spirit, unspoken love, and the realization of the truth. (Source: Station DIVA)

Marko A. Kovačič, Kolja Saksida - Svetla prihodnost: Plastos Fedor pomaga / Bright Future: Plastos Fedor AssistsMarko A. Kovačič, Kolja Saksida - Svetla prihodnost: Plastos Fedor pomaga / Bright Future: Plastos Fedor AssistsMarko A. Kovačič, Kolja Saksida - Svetla prihodnost: Plastos Fedor pomaga / Bright Future: Plastos Fedor Assists
Marko A. Kovačič, Kolja Saksida - Svetla prihodnost: Plastos Fedor pomaga / Bright Future: Plastos Fedor Assists (00:05:55)
Production: Forum Ljubljana / Zwiks production, 2003
In the year 2119 inside a base camp of Plastoses in the Saratov area a doctor is creating a fast Plastos Fesor to cope with the radioactive Kyrgyz steppe. The animations that are connected to Marko A. Kovačič’s artistic practice are the result of...
Marko A. Kovačič - Dosje 83:03 - video rekonstrukcija / Dossier 83:03. Video ReconstructionMarko A. Kovačič - Dosje 83:03 - video rekonstrukcija / Dossier 83:03. Video ReconstructionMarko A. Kovačič - Dosje 83:03 - video rekonstrukcija / Dossier 83:03. Video Reconstruction
Marko A. Kovačič - Dosje 83:03 - video rekonstrukcija / Dossier 83:03. Video Reconstruction (00:45:40)
Production: Forum-Ljubljana / Zwiks, 2003
Narration d'auteur contextualises the artists own art practice within the social and political circumstances in Yugoslavia/Slovenia in the period of 20 years. The visual material originates from his personal archive and appertains to his art projects, hom...
Marko A. Kovačič - Živel 1. maj - Praznik dela / May Day ForeverMarko A. Kovačič - Živel 1. maj - Praznik dela / May Day ForeverMarko A. Kovačič - Živel 1. maj - Praznik dela / May Day Forever
Marko A. Kovačič - Živel 1. maj - Praznik dela / May Day Forever (00:01:20)
Production: 2000
Short one-minute video showing clippings from newspaper articles about the celebration of May 1th, followed by sections and close-ups of certain motifs and communist symbols.
Marko A. Kovačič - KatastropolisMarko A. Kovačič - KatastropolisMarko A. Kovačič - Katastropolis
Marko A. Kovačič - Katastropolis (00:01:04)
Production: M. A. Kovačič, 1997
A one-minute flyover of the city of Katastropolis, built by the artist as a maquette - the basic setting for the video Forth into the Past. It is composed of artworks, artefacts, and found objects from different materials, techniques, spaces and times.
Marko A. Kovačič - The Lost HorizonMarko A. Kovačič - The Lost HorizonMarko A. Kovačič - The Lost Horizon
Marko A. Kovačič - The Lost Horizon (4:47)
Production: 1997
Documentary footage of The Lost Horizon, the artist's video installation at Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana in 1997.
Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the PastMarko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the PastMarko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the Past
Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the Past (0:09:30)
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
The video deals with our understanding of the distant future, presented through a concrete example of the 23rd-century archaeology. A narration of a professor archaeologist leads us through the story as he guides his student through one of the main archae...
Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost (razstava) / Forth Into the Past (exhibition)Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost (razstava) / Forth Into the Past (exhibition)Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost (razstava) / Forth Into the Past (exhibition)
Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost (razstava) / Forth Into the Past (exhibition) (00:05:38)
Production: 1994
Documentation of the exhibition in Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 1994
Marko A. Kovačič - I've Seen That... Like It IsMarko A. Kovačič - I've Seen That... Like It IsMarko A. Kovačič - I've Seen That... Like It Is
Marko A. Kovačič - I've Seen That... Like It Is (06:20)
Production: V.S. Video & Strip Core / Forum Ljubljana, 1993
A music video for a song - collage I've seen that … Like it is by a music group 2227 from Ljubljana blends shots of the group's performance with projections of graffiti by Strip Core group. Usage of lights and postproduction create chaotic and expr...
Marko A. Kovačič - The Four HorsemenMarko A. Kovačič - The Four HorsemenMarko A. Kovačič - The Four Horsemen
Marko A. Kovačič - The Four Horsemen (3:47)
Production: Marko A. Kovačič, 1993
The video was created on the basis of a group performance in the urban environment Bellum contra solem of the Fusnet Association, which was staged in a block settlement in Nova Gorica on the summer solstice in 1991. The arrival of the Four Horsemen of the...
Marko A. Kovačič - ThirstMarko A. Kovačič - ThirstMarko A. Kovačič - Thirst
Marko A. Kovačič - Thirst (12:30)
Production: Marko A. Kovačič, Gledališče Ane Monro, 1993
The happening takes place in the real environment of Mrs. Salendrova's half-destroyed apartment and presents a kind of visual record of the performance of the Ana Monro Theatre. The film is made up of various gags of Monro's eccentric protagonists, who di...
Marko A. Kovačič - No More Heroes Any MoreMarko A. Kovačič - No More Heroes Any MoreMarko A. Kovačič - No More Heroes Any More
Marko A. Kovačič - No More Heroes Any More (0:18:15)
Production: V.S. VIDEO/Forum Ljubljana, 1992
Video deals with the theme of war in a parodic and grotesque manner. With Chroma key procedure the two main protagonists or shall we say antagonists - evil and conniving political leaders are set inside a TV studio, where so called Royal game takes place....
YEARS 2 decades present
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SCCA-Ljubljana, 2022
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SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerij..., 2020
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SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kr..., 2021/2022
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SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Ph..., 2022
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ZVVIKS Production, 1999
Lučka Peterlin, Tilen Peterlin - Faking keš (Balans)
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SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kr..., 2021/2022
SCCA-Ljubljana, Milena Kosec - Video evening with DIVA Station: Milena Kosec
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SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerij..., 2021
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SCCA-Ljubljana, 2021
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SCCA-Ljubljana, 2017
Maria Sorokina - Shadows (YREX)
Maria Sorokina - Shadows (YREX) (03:16)
SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kr..., 2021/2022
Tyfenn Comparot, Sasha Ihnatovich, Rožana Švara, Lea Teraž - U reki (MRFY)
Tyfenn Comparot, Sasha Ihnatovich, Roža... (04:27)
SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kr..., 2020
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