Lovšin, Polonca
No. 49
Artist: Lovšin, Polonca
Title: Opazovalec
Subtitle: Ulica
Duration: 00:03:13
Year: 2002
Genre: Documentary video


The author is filming child play at a school playground. Her voyeuristic position allows her to observe a group of children having fun. She is filming them playing, but the filmed characters fail to notice their hidden observer.

Polonca Lovšin - Solarna kolekcija / The Solar CollectionPolonca Lovšin - Solarna kolekcija / The Solar CollectionPolonca Lovšin - Solarna kolekcija / The Solar Collection
Polonca Lovšin - Solarna kolekcija / The Solar Collection (0:00:51)
Production: Lovšin, Polonca, 2002
Projekt z naslovom 'Solarna kolekcija' predstavlja naprave, ki izkoriščajo sončno energijo za svoje delovanje na način preproste proto-znanosti ter tako nakazujejo možnosti varčevanja z energijo na mikroravni. Avtorica se postavlja v igrane si...
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Production: 2000-2002
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YEARS 2 decades present
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ZANK, VPK, TV Slovenija (..., 2001
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Ljudmila, Ljubljana in SCCA/p..., 2000
Sieberer, Rok - Kuri - Psy
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Media Teror, 2003
Prosenc, Nataša  - Swimming the Dark
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Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Alajbegović, Zemira (DJ Plasma) - Vortex
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TV Slovenija, 2000
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli svet... (00:09:38)
TV Slovenija, filmski lab..., 1990-2000
Prosenc, Nataša  - The Beach
Prosenc, Nataša - The Beach (00:05:51)
Kanalya Pictures, 2004
Prosenc, Nataša  - Connected
Prosenc, Nataša - Connected (0:08:00)
Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Prosenc, Nataša  - Construct
Prosenc, Nataša - Construct (00:12:00)
Kanalya Pictures, 2002
Gumilar, Marjan - Pogled
Gumilar, Marjan - Pogled (00:06:38)
Marjan Gumilar, 2002
Prosenc, Nataš¡a  - Crossing
Prosenc, Nataš¡a - Crossing (0:04:59)
Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Lenardič, Zmago - Big Blue Subway
Lenardič, Zmago - Big Blue Subway (00:12:42)
VPK & White Balance, 2000
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