Stermitz, Evelin
Št. 773
"Gender Transmission"
Avtor/ica: Stermitz, Evelin
Naslov: Gender Transmission
Podnaslov: WO:MAN # 1 WO:MAN # 2
Trajanje: 0:03:03
Leto: 2005
Zvrst: Eksperimentalni video / Avtorski video / Računalniška grafika

The two videos question the relation and boundaries between man and woman in a philosophic and psychological manner. Like in the psychological theory of Jacques Lacan woman and man mirror themselves in terms of "the Other", so this is the issue of these videos. By establishing two mirrors through video, the situation resembles a real mirror, where man and woman are confronted to each other. There is always a surface, a shape for interacting constructed here through a digital code. But what will remain is always an imaginary shape which meanings are constructed not through the shape itself, but by the society in which we are living.

Evelin Stermitz - Into the MirrorEvelin Stermitz - Into the MirrorEvelin Stermitz - Into the Mirror
Evelin Stermitz - Into the Mirror (00:05:21)
Produkcija: E.S., 2011
V črno-belem video performansu ženska skuša vstopiti skozi vrata v ogledalu. Umetnica se v delu navezuje na vrata iz Alice v čudežni deželi., ki predstavljajo prehod v drug svet. Avtorica zvočnega kolaža: Elise Kermani, dodatni zvočni sempli: Ch...
Evelin Stermitz - The Art of AgingEvelin Stermitz - The Art of AgingEvelin Stermitz - The Art of Aging
Evelin Stermitz - The Art of Aging (00:03:29)
Produkcija: E.S., 2011
Črno-beli video prikazuje avtoričin portret pred belim ozadjem. S pomočjo karikiranega make-upa, ki po obrazu in vratu zarisuje vedno več starostnih črt, avtorica kritizira diktat kozmetične industrije o ohranjanju mladostnega videza. V spodnjem del...
Evelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part IEvelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part IEvelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part I
Evelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part I (00:10:17)
Produkcija: E.S., 2011
Video je del 3 kanalne video instalacije. Vsi trije videi so sestavljeni iz posnetka pogleda skozi okno stanovanja v New Yorku na deževen dan. Dopolnjuje ga animiran niz besedila, ki se dviguje proti nebu. Besedilo je sestavljajeno iz naslovov člankov,...
Evelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part IIEvelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part IIEvelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part II
Evelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part II (00:02:44)
Produkcija: E.S., 2011
Video je del 3 kanalne video instalacije. Vsi trije videi so sestavljeni iz posnetka pogleda skozi okno stanovanja v New Yorku na deževen dan. Dopolnjuje ga animiran niz besedila, ki se dviguje proti nebu. Besedilo je sestavljajeno iz naslovov člankov,...
Evelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part IIIEvelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part IIIEvelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part III
Evelin Stermitz - Into the Ceiling Part III (00:02:39)
Produkcija: Evelin Stermitz, 2011
Video je del 3 kanalne video instalacije. Vsi trije videi so sestavljeni iz posnetka pogleda skozi okno stanovanja v New Yorku na deževen dan. Dopolnjuje ga animiran niz besedila, ki se dviguje proti nebu. Besedilo je sestavljajeno iz naslovov člankov,...
Evelin Stermitz - Women in WarEvelin Stermitz - Women in WarEvelin Stermitz - Women in War
Evelin Stermitz - Women in War (00:03:05)
Produkcija: E.S., 2010
Umetnica je sestavila kolaž stereotipnih podob privlačnih žensk, ki jih je našla z iskalnim nizom 'women' (ženske) na YouTubu. Zvočno podlago tvorijo različna poročila o nasilju nad ženskami med vojnami in spopadi. Rdeče-črna barvna k...
Evelin Stermitz - Blue HouseEvelin Stermitz - Blue HouseEvelin Stermitz - Blue House
Evelin Stermitz - Blue House (00:25:18)
Produkcija: E.S., 2009
Plesna improvizaicja treh performerk, ki s svojim telesom raziskujejo prazne prostore v modri hiši. Avtorica modro barvo povezuje z zgodbo o Sinjebradcu (Bluebeard), ki govori o nasilju nad ženskami. Vendar je hiša v videu za ženske varen prostor. N...
Evelin Stermitz - Land of OZEvelin Stermitz - Land of OZEvelin Stermitz - Land of OZ
Evelin Stermitz - Land of OZ (0:24:39)
Produkcija: 2008
LAND OF OZ is a video collage of urbanity, artificial nature and movement, all in all as a personal performative tableau embedded in an American context.
Evelin Stermitz - Hitchcock DishingEvelin Stermitz - Hitchcock DishingEvelin Stermitz - Hitchcock Dishing
Evelin Stermitz - Hitchcock Dishing (0:01:17)
Produkcija: 2008
A short video about the danger of daily dishing as a sublime metaphor for the unpaid daily work of women with its loss of time and energy for other more meaningful, useful and creative activities. Hitchcock Dishing is also articulating concealed domestic...
Evelin Stermitz - Rose is a RoseEvelin Stermitz - Rose is a RoseEvelin Stermitz - Rose is a Rose
Evelin Stermitz - Rose is a Rose (0:03:53)
Produkcija: 2008
This performative video work shows a woman engaged in covering her face with rose leaves. As a metaphor for the above and beyond term "beauty", the fragility of beauty and the canons of beauty, the video reveals an obscure image of woman, which is also s...
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Zapri Prijavi se kot član
Uporabniško ime
Remember me