Dekleva, Luka; Prinčič, Luka
No. 866
"Singing Bizovik Bridge"
Artist: Dekleva, Luka; Prinčič, Luka
Title: Singing Bizovik Bridge
Duration: 00:04:07
Year: 2008
Genre: Art video / Performance
Production: Kapelica, Codeep. KinoDvor


The authors created new contents and techniques by manipulating video and audio recordings of a bridge. In this video performance the sound is coming from the microphones mounted on cables and construction of the bridge. Thus, Jodi Rose, Cym and Luka Prinčič combined the recorded sound material in a live event and a video of the bridge that has been simultaneously manipulated by Luka Dekleva. Artists escalate the presence of environmental sound, in order to expand the importance of sound architecture as the structure of the sound field, and connect it directly with the space. Physical interference in public space is translated into sound and video pulsation, including the inherent noise. Abstract aesthetics of glitch and error is advanced through conscious perspective on both technology and its audiovisual output as autoconstructive: dynamic and persistent.

Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - SchizogramLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - SchizogramLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Schizogram
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Schizogram (00:14:22)
Production: 2009
Schizogram is the consequence of the abuse, of the conscious incorrect usage of analogue and digital technology, which produces unforseenable images. Schizogram presents the abstract aesthetics of computer's errors.
Luka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The MemoryLuka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The MemoryLuka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The Memory
Luka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The Memory (00:02:01)
Production: E. F., L. D., 2009
The photo animation was designed by Elena Fajt (installation), Luka Dekleva (photo), Luka Prinčič (sound) at the time of the II. Biennial of Sloevene Independent Illustration in 2009. Fajt set up ice cubes in three open-air locations containing the froz...
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 LiveLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 LiveLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 Live
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 Live (00:05:22)
Production: 2008
Netmag08 Live je multimedijski dogodek, performans interakcije signalov in napetostnih polj. Že sama postavitev določa parametre video interakcij. Intervencija umetnika, ki s svojim telom preusmerja tok elektronov iz katodne cevi v zvočni izvor. Umetni...
Luka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDITLuka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDITLuka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDIT
Luka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDIT (00:04:14)
Production: 2008
The author uses audio and video field material recorded by the artist Jodi Rose. Manipulation of video recordings of a hanging bridge construction is used as a visual background for an experimental electronic music created from sound recordings of the bri...
Luka Dekleva - FeedForward CinemaLuka Dekleva - FeedForward CinemaLuka Dekleva - FeedForward Cinema
Luka Dekleva - FeedForward Cinema (00:05:25)
Production: codeep, 2007
Video dokumentacija performansa iz Kinodvor dne 19. oktobra 2007. Delo Feedforward Cinema nastaja z interakcijo dveh video naprav, ki si vzajemno pošiljajo signale in tvorijo zaprt krog informacij. Rezultat spominja na različne vzorce od zelo organskih...
Luka Dekleva - lOw/TuningLuka Dekleva - lOw/TuningLuka Dekleva - lOw/Tuning
Luka Dekleva - lOw/Tuning (00:07:08)
Production: 2007
Pri video delu lOw/Tuning gre za isti princip kot pri delu Feedforward Cinema. Z interakcijo dveh video naprav, ki si vzajemno pošiljata signale in tvorita zaprt krog informacij, pride do realizacije deloma nepredvidivih struktur, ki se pojavlajo kot hru...
Luka Dekleva - City Off SeasonLuka Dekleva - City Off SeasonLuka Dekleva - City Off Season
Luka Dekleva - City Off Season (00:05:44)
Production: 2006
City of Season je video za istoemenski glasbeno delo beograjskega umetnika za hrupno glasbo (noise) WoO. Luka Dekleva generira video pokrajino na podlagi počasnega zvočnega ritma, ki je povezan z manipulacijo mozaičnih priključkov v programu PureData....
Luka Dekleva - Sen/za Televizijo/aLuka Dekleva - Sen/za Televizijo/aLuka Dekleva - Sen/za Televizijo/a
Luka Dekleva - Sen/za Televizijo/a (00:28:38)
The video is a result of artistic collaboration with Miha Vipotnik during the Sen/za Televizijo/a project at Jakopič Gallery, marking 30 years to the date after the first transmission of Vipotnik's television video project Videograma 4 on May 4th, 1979....
Luka Prinčič - My Body Hurts OverLuka Prinčič - My Body Hurts OverLuka Prinčič - My Body Hurts Over
Luka Prinčič - My Body Hurts Over (00:03:57)
Production: Emanat, 2011
My Body Hurts Over is a music video for one of the songs created as a product of an improvised audio-visual telematic performance Transmittance #1.5. The video takes video footage from the telematic performance Transmittance #1 which took place at KC Karl...
Luka Prinčič - Retrospections: Maya DerenLuka Prinčič - Retrospections: Maya DerenLuka Prinčič - Retrospections: Maya Deren
Luka Prinčič - Retrospections: Maya Deren (00:12:02)
Production: 2007
Video work is a product of a live-cinema performance taking an opus of avant-garde artist Maya Deren as the base of its research. With real-time visual and sonic manipulation and editing the author establishes a dialogue between past and present, thus sea...
YEARS 2 decades present
Luka Dekleva Luka Prinčič Elena Fajt Miha Ciglar Borut Savski
Savski, Borut - A Dancer
Savski, Borut - A Dancer (00:17:23)
Galerija Kapelica, 2005
Savski, Borut - Videographics 19
Savski, Borut - Videographics 19 (00:04:23)
KUD Trivia / Trivia Art [As..., 2007
Savski, Borut - Sound Biotope
Savski, Borut - Sound Biotope (00:14:07)
Galerija Kapelica, 1999
 - Aestetic Machines
- Aestetic Machines (00:09:39)
Galerija Kapelica, 2003
Borut Savski - The Sisters Karamazov
Borut Savski - The Sisters Karamazov (00:56:26)
KUD Trivia / Trivia Art, 2006, 2007
Anđelković + Savski - XL Eksperiment
Anđelković + Savski - XL Eksperiment
Radio Študent, galerija Ka..., 2009
Savski, Borut - Videographics 18
Savski, Borut - Videographics 18 (00:07:16)
KUD Trivia / Trivia Art [As..., 2006
Borut Savski - Overstrained Structures
Borut Savski - Overstrained Structures (00:01:19)
KUD Trivia in Galerija Ka..., 2009
Savski, Borut - Multimedia. Mali
Savski, Borut - Multimedia. Mali (00:03:53)
Borut Savski, 2008
Savski, Borut - Videographics 22
Savski, Borut - Videographics 22 (00:03:44)
KUD Trivia / Trivia Art [As..., 2007
Savski, Borut - Electric Jesus
Savski, Borut - Electric Jesus (00:02:14)
Galerija Kapelica, 2004
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