Habicht, Dejan
Št. 958
Avtor/ica: Habicht, Dejan
Naslov: 18:40:00
Podnaslov: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Trajanje: 00:18:40
Leto: 2007
Zvrst: Hibridna umetnost
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74

The poem is a long sound track. It is inspired by the following passage: "At the time of Satie's death in 1925, absolutely nobody else had ever entered his room in Arcueil since he had moved there twenty-seven years earlier. What his friends would discover there, after Satie's burial at the Cimetiere d'Arcueil, had the allure of the opening of the grave of Tutankhamun; apart from the dust and the cobwebs (which among other things made clear that Satie never composed using his piano), they discovered numerous items that included, great numbers of umbrellas, some that had apparently never been used by Satie, the portrait of Satie by Suzanne Valadon, shown above, love-letters and drawings from the Valadon romance, other letters from all periods of his life, his collection of drawings of medieval buildings (only then did his friends see a link between Satie and certain previously anonymous, journal advertisements regarding "castles in lead" and the like), other drawings and texts of autobiographical value, other memorabilia from all periods of his life, amongst which were the seven velvet suits from his Velvet gentleman period. Most importantly, however, everywhere there were compositions that were totally unknown or which were thought to have been lost. They were found behind the piano, in the pockets of the velvet suits, and in other odd places. These included the Vexations, Genevieve de Brabant, and other unpublished or unfinished stage works, The Dreamy Fish, many Schola Cantorum exercises, a previously unseen set of "canine" piano pieces, several other piano works, often without a title. Some of these works would be published later as more Gnossiennes, Pieces Froides, Enfantines, and Furniture music). Although the date of composition is uncertain (supposedly mid 1893), the Vexations appear to have been composed shortly after a brief, but intense, relation with Suzanne Valadon, the nearest Erik Satie ever got to a relation with a woman. The work was first played in public the requisite 840 times, by a team of pianists: John Cage, David Tudor, Christian Wolff, Philip Corner, Viola Farber, Robert Wood, MacRae Cook, John Cale, David Del Tredici, James Tenney, Howard Klein (the New York Times reviewer, who coincidentally was asked to play in the course of the event) and Joshua Rifkin, with two reserves, on September 9, 1963, from 6 p.m. to 12:40 p.m. the following day. Although, doubtlessly, John Cage was instrumental in creating some misconceptions about Erik Satie's work in general; nonetheless, Cage's 4' 33" composition could possibly be seen as the perfect "prelude" to Erik Satie's Vexations - how otherwise to execute the prescribed "immobilites serieuses"?

12 dolgočasnih pesmi so vizualni materiali, zloženi v krajše narativne strukture. Izhajali so sukcesivno, v elektronski obliki, od januarja do decembra 2007. Pesmi so bile brezplačno dosegljive druga za drugo vsak zadnji teden v mesecu na elektronskih naslovih, ki so bili prijavljeni v obveščevalni seznam Galerije P74.

Pesmi so bile objavljene na spletu v sledečem vrstnem redu.
25.-31. 01. 2007: Nemi film
21.-28. 02. 2007: Zvočni film
23.-29. 03. 2007: Love is in the Air
24.-30. 04. 2007: Nevarni vzorci
25.-31. 05. 2007: Rotkäppchen
22.-29. 06. 2007: das Dorf
25.-31. 07. 2007: die Heißeste Nummer
24.-30. 08. 2007: ich komme, ich komme...
24.-30. 09. 2007: 18:40:00
25.-31. 10. 2007: Uspavanka
23.-30. 11. 2007: Pasjansa
24.-31. 12. 2007: JPEG image
Dejan Habicht - 12 dolgočasnih pesmi (01:21:19)
Produkcija: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2013
12 dolgočasnih pesmi so vizualni materiali, zloženi v krajše narativne strukture. Izhajali so sukcesivno, v elektronski obliki, od januarja do decembra 2007. Bile so brezplačno dosegljive druga za drugo vsak zadnji teden v mesecu na elektronskih naslo...
Dejan Habicht - Nemi film / Silent FilmDejan Habicht - Nemi film / Silent FilmDejan Habicht - Nemi film / Silent Film
Dejan Habicht - Nemi film / Silent Film (00:11:30)
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Nemi film je video posnetek defragmentacije diska v okolju Windows '95. Avtor je shranil poetiko smrti in umirajočih računalniških programov.
Dejan Habicht - Zvočni film / Sound MovieDejan Habicht - Zvočni film / Sound MovieDejan Habicht - Zvočni film / Sound Movie
Dejan Habicht - Zvočni film / Sound Movie (00:05:22)
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Zvok letala nad gozdom.
Dejan Habicht - Love is in the AirDejan Habicht - Love is in the AirDejan Habicht - Love is in the Air
Dejan Habicht - Love is in the Air ()
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
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Dejan Habicht - RotkäppchenDejan Habicht - RotkäppchenDejan Habicht - Rotkäppchen
Dejan Habicht - Rotkäppchen ()
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
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Dejan Habicht - ich komme, ich komme...Dejan Habicht - ich komme, ich komme...Dejan Habicht - ich komme, ich komme...
Dejan Habicht - ich komme, ich komme... (00:10:00)
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Zelo upočasnjeni posnetek pristajanja aviona. V podlagi se predvaja pesem zvoka sedmih avionov.
Dejan Habicht - Uspavanka / LullabyDejan Habicht - Uspavanka / LullabyDejan Habicht - Uspavanka / Lullaby
Dejan Habicht - Uspavanka / Lullaby (00:02:31)
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Uspavanka predstavlja ponavljanje vedenjskega vzorca. Zgodba iz osebne zgodovine je reprezentacija učinkov ideologij in spomina. Avtor napiše: "Šele ko sem prvič uspaval otroka, sem spoznal, da ne znam nobene uspavanke. Zato sem tiho in počasi zapel...
Dejan Habicht - PasjansaDejan Habicht - PasjansaDejan Habicht - Pasjansa
Dejan Habicht - Pasjansa (00:05:51)
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Igra s kartami za eno igralko pripoveduje zgodbo o iznajdljivem načinu preganjanja dolgočasja.
Dejan Habicht - JPEG imageDejan Habicht - JPEG imageDejan Habicht - JPEG image
Dejan Habicht - JPEG image ()
Produkcija: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Avtor je pretvoril jpg v txt datoteko. Fotografija je prikazovala njegovo hčerko, kako čez ograjo na letališču zre proti letalom. Delo raziskuje kodifikacijo jezika in reprezentacije. Ukvarja se z digitalno ontologijo.
Tanja Lažetić, Dejan Habicht - No Remembrance, No ComradshipTanja Lažetić, Dejan Habicht - No Remembrance, No ComradshipTanja Lažetić, Dejan Habicht - No Remembrance, No Comradship
Tanja Lažetić, Dejan Habicht - No Remembrance, No Comradship (00:05:10)
Produkcija: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
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LETNICE 2 desetletji
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Tanja Lažetić, 2006
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Prosenc, Nataša - The Beach (00:05:51)
Kanalya Pictures, 2004
Kugler, Ema - Homo Erectus
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ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World
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TV Slovenija, filmski lab..., 1990-2000
Katja Šoltes, Emir Jelkić - How Do You Say Ćesma? / Kako se kaže fountain?
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Ljudmila, Ljubljana in SCCA/p..., 2000
Grabar, Nika - DIVA v Galeriji Škuc
Grabar, Nika - DIVA v Galeriji Škuc (00:15:57)
SCCA-Ljubljana, 2009
Lažetić, Tanja - Hotel Kumrovec
Lažetić, Tanja - Hotel Kumrovec (00:07:42)
Tanja Lažetić, 2007
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK) - Slices of Time
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ZANK, VPK, TV Slovenija (..., 2001
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VPK & White Balance, 2000
Prosenc, Nataša  - Connected
Prosenc, Nataša - Connected (0:08:00)
Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Lenardič, Zmago - Ognjemet
Lenardič, Zmago - Ognjemet (00:10:10)
Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Gumilar, Marjan - Pogled
Gumilar, Marjan - Pogled (00:06:38)
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Zapri Prijavi se kot član
Uporabniško ime
Remember me