The video creates dynamics by combining positive and negative versions of urban subcultural happening. Traditional and alternative culture are in constant battle. The text of the song is simple, reduced to a repetition of words, which don't follow the structure of a sentence. Video presents an information abundance and fills in the economic text. (DIVA)
Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR), issued in 1985 as the first video cassette in Yugoslavia by the FV Label and successfully distributed via alternative channels. Videos are short, almost "film-like" stories focused primarily on the iconography of the body in urban surroundings. One of them presents a pioneer use of computer graphics. (Source: Videodokument)
Borghesia (1983-1989) was a multimedia group (concert performances, video works, music videos, videocassettes, music records and cassettes). The members were Zemira Alajbegović, Goran Devide (†), Aldo Ivančić, Neven Korda and Dario Seraval. As a multimedia group it operated until 1989, and later Aldo Ivančić and Dario Seraval continued as a musical duo and retained the same name.
Production: 2001
Report from real every day. Inspiration and a tribute to the film Blue by Derek Jarman. (Neven Korda) NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda from his renewed reading of...
Production: 2001
Rise up and leave this mass of meat behind. The world is obliged to make your existence possible. God is big, a tree is even bigger. (Neven Korda) NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between report...
Production: 2001
Conception, image and sound: Neven Korda NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda from his renewed reading of the 1960s. At the beginning, they did not like the image of r...
Production: 2001
Conception, image and sound: Neven Korda Music: Burn out, BAST. Preseverance on the origins (of artificial worlds). (Neven Korda) NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda...
Production: 2001
Report from real every day. Inspiration and a tribute to the film Blue by Derek Jarman. (Neven Korda) NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda from his renewed reading of...
Production: 2001
The Story of a cardboard box. Text, conception, sound, editing and directed by: Neven Korda Narrator: Srečko Meh Recordings of events between 17 and 23 July 1988 in the execution of FV video and Brut film. Digitized and edited in the Kapelica Gallery, Za...
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija (izobraževalni program), 1999
V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antr...
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija , 1999
A documentary Within Four Walls (orig. Med štirimi stenami) problematizes violence towards women through stories of those who ran away from it and found help in shelters. With covered faces they speak about years of abuse, violence, rape and loneli...
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenija (kulturna redakcija), 1997
Staro in novo je dokumentarec o posnetkih FV videa. Video rekonstruira živahni vrvež na ljubljanski subkulturni sceni v 80-ih letih, ki sta ji pripadala tudi avtorja. Množico dokumentov in video posnetkov, nastalih od 1982 do 1986, sta z minuciozno in...
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenija (kulturna redakcija), 1997
The Old and the New reconstructs the lively bustle of the "Ljubljana subculture scene" in the eighties, and it was made by two insiders. With a minute and swift editing of the picture and sound, the makers have succeeded in compiling a number of documents...
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video work tells a story of an art collector as remembered by herself in her old age, and as narrated by her friend, a psychoanalyst. Thru this narrative the authors deal with the spirit of avant-garde art in the first half of the 20th century. By layerin...