
The DIVA News page refers to public presentations, exhibitions, screenings, publications in Slovenia and on the international scene, connected to participations of DIVA Station Video Archive and the video artists who had contributed their video artworks to the archive. We also introduce events organised by DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) in order to promote its content and usage.

DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video art, developed at SCCA since 2005 with the intent to research, document, present and archive video/media art. By now, it contains more then 1.000 items of different materials. The notable 1.000 entry in the archive is a video performance Wear VIII produced in 2010 by Tomaž Furlan. The artist has been working on his sculptural and video project in progress Wear, since 2006. He says that Wear is "some sort of a critical reflection on the use of interactive works or, as it were, sculpture, which have emerged as extended body applications in a constrained process".


Mednarodni festival digitalne umetnosti in novih medijev, Atene. 18.-20. 5. 2012 V okviru osme edicije mednarodnega festival digitalne umetnosti in novih medijev v Atenah se bo kot del programa predstavljanja zgodovine medijske umetnosti predstavil tudi portal GAMA – Gateway to Archives of Media Art, ki združuje osem evropskih video arhivov in predstavlja več kot 10.000 video del. Platformo bo predstavila kustosinja Eva Kozma iz madžarskega centra za kulturo in komunikacijo – C3 iz Budimpešte. Po predavanju bo publiki prikazala izbor osmih del iz arhivov. Postajo DIVA bo predstavil video Repeating Coincidence (Ponavljajoče naključje) umetnice Maje Smrekar iz leta 2009.

Predstavitev na Oddelku za umetnostno zgodovino pri predmetu Zaščite spomenikov. Ponedeljek, 23. 4. 2012, ob 12.15 Hrvojeva ulica 8, učilnica H6, Split. Sodelavca Postaje DIVA, Ida Hiršenfelder in Miha Colner, kritika, publicista in kustosa, bosta študentom umetnostne zgodovine v okviru predmeta Zaščita spomenikov predstavila spletni in fizični arhiv video in novomedijske umetnostiPostaja DIVA. Splitskim študentom bosta na primeru Postaje DIVA predstavila koncipiranje neinstuticionalnega video in novomedijskega arhiva v vsej njegovi celovitosti, od fizične videoteke in študijske knjižnice do digitalnega arhiva. Spregovorila bosta o koncipiranju arhiva, sodelovanju z video umetniki in orisala nekatere zagate pri urejanju arhivskega gradiva.

Razstavna postavitev arhivov. Odprto od 17. 4. 2012 Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, Maistrova 3, Ljubljana. Muzej sodobne umetnosti na Maistrovi 3 z razstavno postavitvijo Posebni projekti tematizira pomen in vlogo arhivov v umetniški in kuratorski praksi. K sodelovanju so povabili kustose Dunjo Blažević (TV galerija), Andrejo Hribernik (Arhiv v nastajanju), Blaža Lukana (Arhiv performansa) in Igorja Vidmarja (Punk muzej).

Predstavitev, okrogla miza. 17. 3. 2012 Sofija, Bolgarija. UNESCO Sofia Meetings Forum, ki poteka v okviru Mednarodnega filmskega festivala v Sofiji, v tokratni ediciji nosi naslov Balkan visions: Creativity for the future in South-East Europe. Forum je organiziran v sodelovanju z Mednarodnim filmskim festivalom Sofija in s podporo bolgarskega ministrstva za kulturo.

Marko Kovačič - No More Heroes Any MoreMarko Kovačič - No More Heroes Any MoreMarko Kovačič - No More Heroes Any More

Video projekcija. 17. 3. 2012, od 9.30 do 18.30 Central Army Club, Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd 7, Sofija. Past Entangled Tense in Citiscapes sta video programa, ki ju je pripravilaMargarita Durovska. Programa vključujeta dela iz arhiva Transitland, video projekcija pa je spremljevalni dogodek v okviru UNESCO foruma z naslovomBalkan Visions: Creativity for the Future in South-East Europe in Mednarodnega filmskega festivala v Sofiji. Izbrana video dela so ustvarili umetniki iz JV Evrope.

Predavanji, projekcija, instalacija in performans Spletno mesto Postaja DIVA. Četrtek, 27. oktober 2011, od 18. do 22. ure Galerija Kapelica, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana. Vzpostavitev fizičnih in virtualnih, analognih in digitalnih arhivov je nujna za refleksijo sodobne umetniške produkcije. UNESCO je 27. oktober razglasil zaSvetovni dan avdiovizualne dediščine, da bi poudaril pomen AV gradiva in njegovih nosilcev ter spodbudil zaščito in hranjenje tega dela kulturne dediščine.

Emocionalni prostorAyşegül Kurtel, Neven KordaBackstage

Wednesday, October 12-Saturday till October 15, from 10am to 16.00pm. The workshop will explore relationship between dance, interactive performance/live act, sound and video through theoretical introduction and practical work. The workshop's objective is to introduce workshop participants with the interdisciplinary potential of video and sound as a technological tool and artistic means of expression and its capacity of manipulation in real-time.

The theoretical part will outline videodance genre and the transmission of live act to performative video. It will show video document as research material and archive.

The practical part: The participants will discover different layers of interactive performance: the layer of geometrical movement, the layer of choreographed dance, the layer of sound surrounding, and the layer of image. The collaboration between the participants will result as a project-in-process that will take place in real space and real time and will be publicly demonstrated at the end of the workshop.

The participants: The workshop is dedicated for visual, video and sound artists, dancers/performers, dramaturges, choreographers, VJ’s… with professional expertise or with a need to acquire it. They will obtain basic experience about: interaction of performers’ movements with interventions by dramaturgy; choreography and video; simultaneous transmission on screens and loudspeakers; computer manipulation with streamed data; computer manipulation with sound; capture of different data with the help of different sensor technology/instruments, manipulation of time.

The mentors:

Neven KordaNeven Korda (video artist/director, Ljubljana, Slovenia) is an artist in the field of performative and projected art. He is director and author of theatre performances, author movies, documentaries, video clips. He is tutor and executor of workshops on functional video. He is also active in the field of archiving and preserving video recordings (

Neven Korda

Borut Savski (intermedia artist, Ljubljana, Slovenia) works in the domain of concepts and contexts, especially in connection with sound (and sound objects) as a metaphor. His background is independent radio, Internet media and electronics. (



How to apply? Send your CV and motivation letter (max. 800 caracters) to K2, Selin Demirham ( If you have experience with audio-visual manipulation or editing, write what kind of and what equipment you use.

Sunday, October 16
Non-formal conclusion of the Open Studio platform for participants, mentors, lecturers and organizers.


K2 - Contemporary Art Center from Izmir (Turkey) is a non profit, artists run organization which is committed to developing a broad range of international and national exhibition projects and public programs including lectures, seminars, performances, film and video screenings, publications and a studio for guest artists.

SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana (Slovenia) produces, stimulates and mediates innovative artistic practices with a focus on video art and runs school for curators and critics of contemporary art. By establishing a support system and cooperating with numerous NGOs SCCA-Ljubljana situates artistic practices into the social framework.

Both organizations are partners of the international project On-AiR project (tool for artists: mobility workshops and training programs on artist-in-residence opportunities).



The project is supported by K2 Contemporary Art Center, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture.
Special thanks to Ayşegül Kurtel and Selin Demirhan from K2. The whole project is organized within the framework of K2’s guest studio program.



Zank, Icht

Projekcija in predavanje  Torek, 11. 10. 2011, ob 20. uri  K2 Contemporary Art Center Cumhuriyet Blv.No:54 Büyük Kardicali Han, Kat:2 Konak-IZMIR, Turkey. Kot spremljevalni dogodek mednarodnega projekta in platforme Open Studio Izmir, ki ga vodi SCCA-Ljubljana s Centrom za sodobno umetnost K2, bo potekala predstavitev programa Videospotting, serije preglednih/tematskih programov video umetnosti iz Slovenije.

PodobaTomaž Brejc, Besede in slikeZapeljevanje pogleda

Pogovor in predstavitev s projekcijo. Torek, 20. september 2011, ob 19. uri, Projektna soba SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana. Pogovor z avtorji oddaj Zemiro Alajbegović, Arnetom Brejcem, Tomažem Brejcem in Amirjem Muratovićem bo vodila Barbara Borčić. SCCA-Ljubljana v okviru Postaje DIVA pripravlja ciklus predstavitev in pogovorov o snovanju in realizaciji filmskih prikazov in televizijskih oddaj o umetnosti z naslovom Dokumentarni portret umetnika in umetnine.

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