Sašo Sedlaček - Žicar 1.0 / Beggar 1.0 (0:04:33)
Production: Galerija Kapelica / Kura, 2006
Video documents author's action in which he placed a robot - bagger inside a shopping mall and later inside a gallery. With this action the author points out a growing poverty. The robot attracted a surprising number of visitors and thus the author concluded the project with a result that people prefer to deal with problems of the margin from a safe distance. Scenes captured with hand held camera are exchanged with shots documented by security cameras.
DIVA public space
92 results in works
Sašo Sedlaček - Žicar 2.0 / Beggar 0.2 (0:12:43)
Production: IAMAS, 2006
Video documents author's action, in which he placed a robot-bagger in a public space in Tokyo Japan. Although he already reached into public space in Ljubljana with it, the installation of it in a highly technologically developed country, where bagging is almost completely absent got different reactions and results. The author developed the new version of the robot and also offered the plan for it free online for the potential users.
Production: IAMAS, 2006
Video documents author's action, in which he placed a robot-bagger in a public space in Tokyo Japan. Although he already reached into public space in Ljubljana with it, the installation of it in a highly technologically developed country, where bagging is almost completely absent got different reactions and results. The author developed the new version of the robot and also offered the plan for it free online for the potential users.
Dejan Habicht, Tanja Lažetić - Avtokino Barje (00:04:07)
Production: Tanja Lažetić & Dejan Habicht, 2004
Avtokino Barje je enkratna javna akcija na avtocestnem postajališču ljubljanske obvoznice (4. oktobra 2004). Avtorja sta na ta način želela opozoriti na neizkoriščenost nekaterih nevidnih javnih prostorov, kamor večina ljudi ne zahaja. Na postajališču sta organizirala dveurni umetniški program ter prikazala dela različnih domačih avtorjev, ki so se dogodka tudi udeležili. Javna akcija je bila nato dokumentirana v video mediju in je tako tudi sama postala umetniško...
Production: Tanja Lažetić & Dejan Habicht, 2004
Avtokino Barje je enkratna javna akcija na avtocestnem postajališču ljubljanske obvoznice (4. oktobra 2004). Avtorja sta na ta način želela opozoriti na neizkoriščenost nekaterih nevidnih javnih prostorov, kamor večina ljudi ne zahaja. Na postajališču sta organizirala dveurni umetniški program ter prikazala dela različnih domačih avtorjev, ki so se dogodka tudi udeležili. Javna akcija je bila nato dokumentirana v video mediju in je tako tudi sama postala umetniško...
Tanja Lažetić - The Wrong Place (00:00:52)
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima protagonistoma. Nato avtorica s hitrim razsrediščenjem v kader zajame širši prostor glasnega in neosebnega javnega prostora, v katerem se prizor odvija.
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima protagonistoma. Nato avtorica s hitrim razsrediščenjem v kader zajame širši prostor glasnega in neosebnega javnega prostora, v katerem se prizor odvija.
Tanja Lažetić - Hotel Kumrovec (00:07:42)
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2007
Z delom Hotel Kumrovec avtorica raziskuje različne taktike, s katerimi želi država kljub zasuku ideologije ohraniti spomenik z velikim simbolnim potencialom: lokalno prebivalstvo, nekdanji delavci hotela, so plačani, da urejajo in vzdržujejo hotel, ki je praktično brez funkcije. Kumrovec je rojstno mesto Josipa Broza Tita, ki je bilo po letu 1991 skorajda opuščeno, nekdaj cvetoči hotel pa je ostal brez namembnosti. Prebivalci vasi kljub nefunkcionalnosti vztrajno skrbijo za hotelski kompleks....
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2007
Z delom Hotel Kumrovec avtorica raziskuje različne taktike, s katerimi želi država kljub zasuku ideologije ohraniti spomenik z velikim simbolnim potencialom: lokalno prebivalstvo, nekdanji delavci hotela, so plačani, da urejajo in vzdržujejo hotel, ki je praktično brez funkcije. Kumrovec je rojstno mesto Josipa Broza Tita, ki je bilo po letu 1991 skorajda opuščeno, nekdaj cvetoči hotel pa je ostal brez namembnosti. Prebivalci vasi kljub nefunkcionalnosti vztrajno skrbijo za hotelski kompleks....
Maja Slavec - Woman Beauty Power Less (00:04:40)
Production: 2008
A well-dressed woman is carrying with her a black box which has inside the sound of the countdown before the explosion of a bomb. She is walking with a resolute gait on the main street of Ljubljana during the rush-hour as a Suicide-bomber. With this action she is looking to provoke the people and attract their attention to this possible terroristic attack.
Production: 2008
A well-dressed woman is carrying with her a black box which has inside the sound of the countdown before the explosion of a bomb. She is walking with a resolute gait on the main street of Ljubljana during the rush-hour as a Suicide-bomber. With this action she is looking to provoke the people and attract their attention to this possible terroristic attack.
KOLEKTIVA, Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanič - First Impression (0:09:08)
Production: Kolektiva, 2004
Video is a collage of voyeuristic recordings of people in public space in the main square of Ljubljana. Authors make statements about people caught on camera based on their own impressions. Screen is divided into four parts, where we can see the presumptions of the three authors, and in one of the small screens we see the facts collected after an informative conversation with the person under surveillance. Authors question human perception influenced by physical appearance and about voyeurism.
Production: Kolektiva, 2004
Video is a collage of voyeuristic recordings of people in public space in the main square of Ljubljana. Authors make statements about people caught on camera based on their own impressions. Screen is divided into four parts, where we can see the presumptions of the three authors, and in one of the small screens we see the facts collected after an informative conversation with the person under surveillance. Authors question human perception influenced by physical appearance and about voyeurism.
Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar - Ulikses / Ulysses (0:24:00)
Production: Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar, 2005
Ulysses is a visual documentary, a video film about Dublin, where the authors went for a student exchange. The video paints different sides of this city and Ireland. It is composed from different parts each dealing with different aspects of Dublin following the chapters of Lonely planet tour guides. The whole of this alternative, personal guide consists of shorts scenes, following each other in different intervals and building a visual story.
Production: Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar, 2005
Ulysses is a visual documentary, a video film about Dublin, where the authors went for a student exchange. The video paints different sides of this city and Ireland. It is composed from different parts each dealing with different aspects of Dublin following the chapters of Lonely planet tour guides. The whole of this alternative, personal guide consists of shorts scenes, following each other in different intervals and building a visual story.
Ana Čigon, Cristiana Arena - Real Presence (0:01:05)
Production: Ana Čigon, Cristiana Arena, 2008
This performative fiction art video places human figures in architectural niches, which freeze in different positions, eventually forming biblical iconographic motives (pieta, oranta …). Video is composed out of short and fast shots.
Production: Ana Čigon, Cristiana Arena, 2008
This performative fiction art video places human figures in architectural niches, which freeze in different positions, eventually forming biblical iconographic motives (pieta, oranta …). Video is composed out of short and fast shots.
Amir Muratović - Impresija velemesta (00:13:45)
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.