Duba Sambolec - Code IV (18:31)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video is based on a cliché automatized everyday fraises, which are told to each other by the performers. Unfocused close-up stays unchanged and additionally stresses unclearness and dullness of the conversation.
NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances stress the...
DIVA performance
103 results in works
Duba Sambolec - Conversion (24:53)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video performance is set inside an empty space in which the author moves with a blind over her eyes and a gun in her hands. She repeats a sentence "I don't exist" and occasionally shoots her gun. The space goes dark in the middle of the video. Over the video a sign "I always forget!." appears twice. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experienc...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video performance is set inside an empty space in which the author moves with a blind over her eyes and a gun in her hands. She repeats a sentence "I don't exist" and occasionally shoots her gun. The space goes dark in the middle of the video. Over the video a sign "I always forget!." appears twice. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experienc...
Duba Sambolec - Collectors #4 (12:02)
Subtitle: *Revisited*
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2003/2005
Paralelni sliki sta postavljeni na ozadje vojaškega vzorca. Na vsaki od projekcij je ena izmed performerk. Nataša Skušek skozi celoten video opravlja naporne vaje za telesno moč. Oblečena je v črno opravo, ki spominja na zaščitno obleko ameriških nogometašev. Enako obleko si Duba Sambolec počasi nadane in razlaga posamezne kose oprave, na primer: »Pas za zaščito genitalij«. Med oblačenjem sedi, kadi, pije in se pogovarja z nevidno osebo o z...
Subtitle: *Revisited*
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2003/2005
Paralelni sliki sta postavljeni na ozadje vojaškega vzorca. Na vsaki od projekcij je ena izmed performerk. Nataša Skušek skozi celoten video opravlja naporne vaje za telesno moč. Oblečena je v črno opravo, ki spominja na zaščitno obleko ameriških nogometašev. Enako obleko si Duba Sambolec počasi nadane in razlaga posamezne kose oprave, na primer: »Pas za zaščito genitalij«. Med oblačenjem sedi, kadi, pije in se pogovarja z nevidno osebo o z...
Neven Korda - Venceremos (0:04:19)
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video / Škuc - Forum, Brut film; compilation FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1987
This is a "scratch history" of the Ljubljana alternative scene, from punk period to the emergence of alternative movements: gay, peace and feminist; this spot is also dedicated to them. The flow of subcultural images, people, symbols, graffiti is intertwined with the events and images of the "great" Yugoslav history. (Š-F) This video is a part of "The Triumph of Desire", a compilation of Borghesia music video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mu...
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video / Škuc - Forum, Brut film; compilation FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1987
This is a "scratch history" of the Ljubljana alternative scene, from punk period to the emergence of alternative movements: gay, peace and feminist; this spot is also dedicated to them. The flow of subcultural images, people, symbols, graffiti is intertwined with the events and images of the "great" Yugoslav history. (Š-F) This video is a part of "The Triumph of Desire", a compilation of Borghesia music video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mu...
Marko A. Kovačič - Mirror Knows the Secret (00:02:34)
Production: 1986
The video is based on the performance of the same title. The metamorphosis of image is enabled by electronic technology. A step further from the chroma-key procedure of inserting of the front plane of the image into some other background, which invests the modified image with greater dynamics and gives it the mark of experiment. The use of digital (mirror) effects allows for the reproduction of the same image in the rhythm of music. (Source: Videodokument) A short video project made for the TV show Auto-vis...
Production: 1986
The video is based on the performance of the same title. The metamorphosis of image is enabled by electronic technology. A step further from the chroma-key procedure of inserting of the front plane of the image into some other background, which invests the modified image with greater dynamics and gives it the mark of experiment. The use of digital (mirror) effects allows for the reproduction of the same image in the rhythm of music. (Source: Videodokument) A short video project made for the TV show Auto-vis...
Marko A. Kovačič - Casus belli (video performance) (00:04:54)
Subtitle: Montage of video performance & performanse of the same title
Production: 1983
Recording of a video performance at the 1st International Video Biennale Video CD in Ljubljana, in which the video was included as a constitutive part of the event: the artist's gestures were shown from behind on monitors arranged at the edges of the venue with the help of eight video cameras. The frontal "representational" silhouette image shown on the canvas was thus counterpointed by revealing the artist's flesh-and-blood body behind the canvas, who ultimately stepped in front of the audience and perform...
Subtitle: Montage of video performance & performanse of the same title
Production: 1983
Recording of a video performance at the 1st International Video Biennale Video CD in Ljubljana, in which the video was included as a constitutive part of the event: the artist's gestures were shown from behind on monitors arranged at the edges of the venue with the help of eight video cameras. The frontal "representational" silhouette image shown on the canvas was thus counterpointed by revealing the artist's flesh-and-blood body behind the canvas, who ultimately stepped in front of the audience and perform...
Marko A. Kovačič - The Sacrifice of Jupiter (00:01:11)
Production: 1987
Video is a simple collage of photographs from a performance The sacrifice of Jupiter, done with Marko Košnikl and Borut Cajnko. Video is followed by a lively music typical for silent films of the first half of the previous century.
Production: 1987
Video is a simple collage of photographs from a performance The sacrifice of Jupiter, done with Marko Košnikl and Borut Cajnko. Video is followed by a lively music typical for silent films of the first half of the previous century.
Marko A. Kovačič - American Dream (00:06:43)
Production: Brut film, 1986
An ambivalent deconstruction of fantasies about the promised land and faith in art, which is carried out through the stereotypical game of infinite hide-and-seek. It is a dialectic confrontation of the certain heroics of the regime that operated by prohibitions and its own detachment from the people, with the proclamation of a rapprochement with Western systems of liberal capitalism. (Source: DIVA)
Production: Brut film, 1986
An ambivalent deconstruction of fantasies about the promised land and faith in art, which is carried out through the stereotypical game of infinite hide-and-seek. It is a dialectic confrontation of the certain heroics of the regime that operated by prohibitions and its own detachment from the people, with the proclamation of a rapprochement with Western systems of liberal capitalism. (Source: DIVA)
Marko A. Kovačič - Requiem M (00:04:02)
Production: Studio Brut, 1990
Video documents a performance entitled Requiem, which happened as a part of an exhibition Izkušnja predmeta (Experience of the Object)in Modern gallery in Ljubljana in 1989. The artist conducted the performance on his 33rd birthday. Coated with white wax make-up he immovably lies in a sarcophague for an hour and a half, as long as Mozart's Coronation Mass lasts. With the performance the author partly relived Jesus's experience and predicted the death of human kind. Focused and clear shots of the perf...
Production: Studio Brut, 1990
Video documents a performance entitled Requiem, which happened as a part of an exhibition Izkušnja predmeta (Experience of the Object)in Modern gallery in Ljubljana in 1989. The artist conducted the performance on his 33rd birthday. Coated with white wax make-up he immovably lies in a sarcophague for an hour and a half, as long as Mozart's Coronation Mass lasts. With the performance the author partly relived Jesus's experience and predicted the death of human kind. Focused and clear shots of the perf...
Marko A. Kovačič - Casus belli (film) (00:13:37)
Production: ŠKUC, 1983
An experimental miniature that addresses the basic building blocks of film and dissects and explores the moving image and medium of film. The body is a painter's canvas, geometric figures are mise-en-scene, performance is a study of movement, masking and disguise. A short film is composed of sequences constructed on the montage principle and synchronised with sound played from a separate source (tape recorder). The geometric constructions are alternated with images of the body (of the artist) that transfor...
Production: ŠKUC, 1983
An experimental miniature that addresses the basic building blocks of film and dissects and explores the moving image and medium of film. The body is a painter's canvas, geometric figures are mise-en-scene, performance is a study of movement, masking and disguise. A short film is composed of sequences constructed on the montage principle and synchronised with sound played from a separate source (tape recorder). The geometric constructions are alternated with images of the body (of the artist) that transfor...