Tomaž Furlan - Wear III (00:02:17)
Subtitle: Wear series
Production: Tomaž Furlan, 2005
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
DIVA Works
1206 results in works
Tomaž Furlan - Wear IV (00:05:28)
Subtitle: Wear series
Production: Tomaž Furlan, 2005
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Subtitle: Wear series
Production: Tomaž Furlan, 2005
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Amir Muratović - From the Life of Books (00:03:55)
Production: Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
The video consists of various scenes of browsing through books. The author focuses primarily on the movements of the readers' hands and their interaction with the book. The abstract image of the book pages is due to the delay in the montage. Since the noise of browsing is not in line with the motion, the act of reading gets additional dramaturgical tension.
Production: Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
The video consists of various scenes of browsing through books. The author focuses primarily on the movements of the readers' hands and their interaction with the book. The abstract image of the book pages is due to the delay in the montage. Since the noise of browsing is not in line with the motion, the act of reading gets additional dramaturgical tension.
Tomaž Furlan - Wear VI (00:04:50)
Subtitle: Wear series
Production: Tomaž Furlan, 2005
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Subtitle: Wear series
Production: Tomaž Furlan, 2005
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Tomaž Furlan - Wear VII (00:03:30)
Subtitle: Wear series
Production: Tomaž Furlan, 2005
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Subtitle: Wear series
Production: Tomaž Furlan, 2005
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Emil Memon - Babies (00:10:08)
Production: E.M., 2003
Production: E.M., 2003
Amir Muratović - Impresija velemesta (00:13:45)
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
Zmago Lenardič - Suicide (00:04:10)
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video explores the dynamics of a tragic event like the suicide by hanging. The digital colour manipulation of the images isolates the scene from any context, emphasizing it on a dazzling background. The action, perceived in its essential elements, gains a dramatic and at the same time theatrical connotation, despite the surreal inversion of the roles between the man and the chair. By focusing on the intensity of the event thanks to a static shot and few close-ups, the video generates confusion between subje...
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video explores the dynamics of a tragic event like the suicide by hanging. The digital colour manipulation of the images isolates the scene from any context, emphasizing it on a dazzling background. The action, perceived in its essential elements, gains a dramatic and at the same time theatrical connotation, despite the surreal inversion of the roles between the man and the chair. By focusing on the intensity of the event thanks to a static shot and few close-ups, the video generates confusion between subje...
Borut Savski - Multimedia. Mali (00:03:53)
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Borut Savski - Overstrained Structures (00:01:19)
Production: KUD Trivia in Galerija Kapelica, 2009
With movable mechanical organisms the artist follows his research of autonomous structures / systems. The installation is constructed with elements that are connected but overstrained. The movable mechanical part of the installation carries this (over)strained elements and the result is an almost organic / lively movement of the construction. The electronic mechanisms constructed by the artist are usually analogue and built according to the principles of BEAM robotics (Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, Mech...
Production: KUD Trivia in Galerija Kapelica, 2009
With movable mechanical organisms the artist follows his research of autonomous structures / systems. The installation is constructed with elements that are connected but overstrained. The movable mechanical part of the installation carries this (over)strained elements and the result is an almost organic / lively movement of the construction. The electronic mechanisms constructed by the artist are usually analogue and built according to the principles of BEAM robotics (Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, Mech...