Sašo Vrabič - Impresija / Impression (00:29:34)
Production: 1995
Compilation Impresije presents a segment of author's video art opus. Videos vary from experimental to documentary, some of them don't have a title and sometimes transitions between different works are unclear. Works were made in the second half of the 90's.
DIVA Art video
673 results in works
Sašo Vrabič - Drive In (00:32:30)
Production: 1998
Author combines unedited shots from his night drive around Ljubljana, traveling to almost every part of the capital with the only repeating moment of McDonald's drive-in visits, where he buys his food eating it in his car. Long shots of driving are completely raw without being any post production. Shaky hand held camera adds the feeling of documentary action.
Production: 1998
Author combines unedited shots from his night drive around Ljubljana, traveling to almost every part of the capital with the only repeating moment of McDonald's drive-in visits, where he buys his food eating it in his car. Long shots of driving are completely raw without being any post production. Shaky hand held camera adds the feeling of documentary action.
Neven Korda - No Hope No Fear (04:27)
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
This video is a part of "The Triumph of Desire", a compilation of Borghesia music video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mud, She, Venceremos). It continues with the iconography introduced in the "So Young" compilation of Borghesia music video clips, but this time it is formally and technically much more elaborated. Issued by the FV Editions in 1989, it was successfully distributed via alternative channels. Videos are unique collages, which blend music,...
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
This video is a part of "The Triumph of Desire", a compilation of Borghesia music video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mud, She, Venceremos). It continues with the iconography introduced in the "So Young" compilation of Borghesia music video clips, but this time it is formally and technically much more elaborated. Issued by the FV Editions in 1989, it was successfully distributed via alternative channels. Videos are unique collages, which blend music,...
Neven Korda - Poppers (0:04:57)
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video ; compilation, 1989
Video supports the song Peppers by multimedia group Borghesia with its technique and content. Experimental animation synchronized with the sound outlines an urban landscape and inserts symbols and stereotyping pop gay icons. Techno electronic score, song lyrics and visual support refer to commercialized representation of gays in pop culture and their sexuality as cold, instinctive and automatized. Video is characterized by vivid colour scheme, comic book characters, collage and psychedelic editing. (DIVA)&n...
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video ; compilation, 1989
Video supports the song Peppers by multimedia group Borghesia with its technique and content. Experimental animation synchronized with the sound outlines an urban landscape and inserts symbols and stereotyping pop gay icons. Techno electronic score, song lyrics and visual support refer to commercialized representation of gays in pop culture and their sexuality as cold, instinctive and automatized. Video is characterized by vivid colour scheme, comic book characters, collage and psychedelic editing. (DIVA)&n...
Neven Korda - 400 (0:03:55)
Production: TV Slovenija & PIAS, 1991
Music video by Neven Korda for the song 400 by Borghesia (PIAS 1991) is a collage of different found footage, remakes of a performance by Marko Kovačič and Sebastjan Starič from 1991 and edited recordings of scenes performed by a theater group Gledališče za proizvodnjo fikcije, both members of Borghesia group and deaf-mute students. "400 kilometers is the distance between Belgrade and Zagreb, two cities of the same country in 1991." (Videodokument) Borghesia (1983 - 1939) was a multimedia...
Production: TV Slovenija & PIAS, 1991
Music video by Neven Korda for the song 400 by Borghesia (PIAS 1991) is a collage of different found footage, remakes of a performance by Marko Kovačič and Sebastjan Starič from 1991 and edited recordings of scenes performed by a theater group Gledališče za proizvodnjo fikcije, both members of Borghesia group and deaf-mute students. "400 kilometers is the distance between Belgrade and Zagreb, two cities of the same country in 1991." (Videodokument) Borghesia (1983 - 1939) was a multimedia...
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - She (05:20)
Subtitle: from a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips »The Triumph of Desire«
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
A music video for a song by Borghesia group places human bodies seemingly captured inside video projections. The singer is set in a role of observer and is a direct creater of the story. A narration follows, accompanied by lively shots of a woman, entering different spaces with a film projection in a background. The woman transforms into a spy, who executes her misson in the name of a myth of the future. We witness moments of obsession with her mother, general tiredness, search of employment and alike. T...
Subtitle: from a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips »The Triumph of Desire«
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
A music video for a song by Borghesia group places human bodies seemingly captured inside video projections. The singer is set in a role of observer and is a direct creater of the story. A narration follows, accompanied by lively shots of a woman, entering different spaces with a film projection in a background. The woman transforms into a spy, who executes her misson in the name of a myth of the future. We witness moments of obsession with her mother, general tiredness, search of employment and alike. T...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Swimming the Dark (00:03:52)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Underwater recordings filmed by a swimmer accompanied with sounds of water streams and machines.
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Underwater recordings filmed by a swimmer accompanied with sounds of water streams and machines.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Crossing (0:04:59)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Video Crossing contains different layers of recordings. A close-up of a face is covered with a layer of tracks of fire and water. The combination gives impressions of the layers shading and blending. The viewer faces a sequence of video projections moving from realistic to abstract. Installation is a display of transformation attracting the viewer to change, metamorphosis and decomposing of images.
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Video Crossing contains different layers of recordings. A close-up of a face is covered with a layer of tracks of fire and water. The combination gives impressions of the layers shading and blending. The viewer faces a sequence of video projections moving from realistic to abstract. Installation is a display of transformation attracting the viewer to change, metamorphosis and decomposing of images.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Video Installations (1994-2005) (00:13:58)
Subtitle: Swimming the Dark, Crossing, Sphere, Well, Vortex, Shadows, Corner, Tomb, Pillar, More, Reason, Vertical Horizon, Journey into the Void, Place of the Game
Production: 2005
1. Swimming the Dark: podvodni eksperimentalni posnetki plavalke ob spremljavi šuma vodnih tokov in strojev. (2005) 2. Crossing: večkanalna instalacija, ki prikazuje razkrajanje podob z ognjem in vodo. Prvi del sestavljajo podobe visečega človeškega telesa, ki se staplja s plameni. Oblike in barve ognja ter kože se zlijejo druga v drugo in kmalu ne zaznamo več nobene razlike med njimi. Drugi del prikazuje povečane obraze s sledmi ognja in vode, ki se prelivajo po njihovi površini ter izseke instal...
Subtitle: Swimming the Dark, Crossing, Sphere, Well, Vortex, Shadows, Corner, Tomb, Pillar, More, Reason, Vertical Horizon, Journey into the Void, Place of the Game
Production: 2005
1. Swimming the Dark: podvodni eksperimentalni posnetki plavalke ob spremljavi šuma vodnih tokov in strojev. (2005) 2. Crossing: večkanalna instalacija, ki prikazuje razkrajanje podob z ognjem in vodo. Prvi del sestavljajo podobe visečega človeškega telesa, ki se staplja s plameni. Oblike in barve ognja ter kože se zlijejo druga v drugo in kmalu ne zaznamo več nobene razlike med njimi. Drugi del prikazuje povečane obraze s sledmi ognja in vode, ki se prelivajo po njihovi površini ter izseke instal...
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Chroma Qart Mix Light + Ideology (Last part) (00:10:55)
Subtitle: Media Teror predstavlja Short Video Films
Production: Media Teror, 2002
Video v levem spodnjem kotu prikazuje proizvodni obrat za predelavo lignjev, posnetke pa spremlja poljudno-znanstveni komentar, ki podaja statistiko letne porabe lignjev. Sledi insert z vroče linije nedefiniranega nemškega TV programa in kompilacija podob/glasbe iz ostalih del.
Subtitle: Media Teror predstavlja Short Video Films
Production: Media Teror, 2002
Video v levem spodnjem kotu prikazuje proizvodni obrat za predelavo lignjev, posnetke pa spremlja poljudno-znanstveni komentar, ki podaja statistiko letne porabe lignjev. Sledi insert z vroče linije nedefiniranega nemškega TV programa in kompilacija podob/glasbe iz ostalih del.